a day in the life | tracy bradbury

Tracy Bradbury

A Day In The Life with Tracy Bradbury

Morning always starts off with a cup of tea – I just cant seem to function without this and the kids know not to disturb me till I’ve finished.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Then the post arrives, looks mostly like bills today!

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Jacob is now up. It’s the Easter holidays so no school for two weeks.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Jaiden is fed and dressed so he is now off playing with his toys.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Followed by looking at a book!

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury
Which soon gets boring as the TV has his favorite program on.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

The cats are relaxing as usual.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

I take the opportunity to pop out into the garden and feed the birds.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Come back inside to find that Jaiden has been watching me (don’t worry, Jacob was very close by)!

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Jaiden climbing again, this time up onto my computer table!

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

While Jacob stands next to me, waiting for his friend to arrive.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Decide to make the most of the dry weather and go to the local play area with Jaiden – his favourite place.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Get home just before Jacob arrives with a friend.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Jaiden is exhausted from all the running around so he has a nap.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

This gives me the chance to do a bit of painting as I only moved in last year and am completely doing the house up slowly.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

And some Clickin Moms catch up time.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Dinner time and I’m cheating tonight!

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Followed by bath time.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury
Jaiden then goes to bed.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

Which gives me a bit of “me time” before I go to sleep too.

a day in the life with British hobbyist photographer Tracy Bradbury

About the Author
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Tracy Bradbury

Tracy lives in a tiny village in the UK, and is a SAHM bringing up 3 children. She is a hobbyist enjoying documenting her family life as well as having a passion for macro photography, which she says “slows her down and relaxes her”. She loves lattes, the smell of vanilla and the sound of the ocean. She presently shoots with a Nikon D3s with an assortment of lenses and a Lensbaby.

See more from Tracy at www.tracybradburyphotography.com.

18 thoughts on “a day in the life | tracy bradbury”

  1. Thank you for sharing! What a wonderful glimpse into your life with wonderful images – I love the story they tell and I love your work!

  2. Well done Tracy! I’m a coffee girl myself but I’d sit and have tea with you anyday. Love Jaiden’s cowlick…my son’s will never stay down…lol!

  3. You are such a sweet, caring, gentle soul, Tracy. I can feel the love for your family, and I so enjoyed getting a peek into your world. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! <3

  4. So nice to get a peak inside your life, Tracy! Your little man sure keeps you busy–love his face coming down the slide, too!

  5. Beautiful photos! So fun to peek inside and see what life is like for you…..You have a beautiful family 🙂

  6. Meredith Hepburn

    Thanks for sharing! it was fun to get a peek in to your everyday, the busy SAHM schedule. Great pictures!

  7. Loved a peek into your day! 🙂 I always love your playground shots-you can tell Jaiden loves it there. And, yes, feeeed those birds…because you know I love your bird pics. :giggle 😉

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