How to decide which lens to use

pic with Canon 135mm lens by Kristin Dokoza

What’s your favorite lens, and why?

For many photographers this is like asking which child is your favorite.

I have serious love for a couple of my lenses. Could I choose just one lens forever? Depends on the alternative! Which image speaks to you? What elements are included or excluded? All things to consider when selecting your choice of lens. These images were taken within a minute of each other. Just long enough to change lenses. All sooc crops on a full frame camera, and only bumped the exposure a little bit.

photograph with Canon 35mm lens by Kristin Dokoza
Canon 35mm L - ISO 100 - f/2.8 - 1/500

The 35L gives a nice sense of depth to this image. It is easy for the viewer to separate the far background where the large oak tree is, the middle focal plane where my subjects are and where the large tree is they are under. The foreground also gives additional space to the image and a sense that the viewer is observing, not necessarily in the subjects space. The grass has plenty of details, as does the trunk of the tree.

picture with Canon 50mm lens by Kristin Dokoza
Canon 50mm - ISO 100 - f/2.8 - 1/500

The 50 includes plenty of foreground and background.

The lines of trees at the horizon are only slightly oof. Details to the grass are noticeable. The sunflare is not included in the frame, so that extra space of sky is missing here in the upper middle of the composition. The space on the right is also eliminated.

Now the frame ends where the tree is cropped. The large tree in the background is slightly more oof, and has given the viewer a sense that it may be closer to the subjects. The additional surrounding elements still give the viewer a feeling of observing the subjects, not necessarily being in their space.

photo with Canon 100mm lens by Kristin Dokoza
Canon 100mm L - ISO 100 - f/2.8 - 1/500

Using the 100L has really brought the subjects front and center in comparison to the 35L and 50mm. You can also notice a difference in the lighting of the composition. Less foreground is included, the details to the grass are a little more oof vs. using the 35L and 50.

The rim lighting is more noticeable and overall the subjects have a nice glow all around them. The large tree in the far background is seen less, but is now used to frame the subjects a little more. The overall image appears to be brighter, but using the 100L has only brought the surrounding areas that were in the sunlight into the frame.

pic with Canon 135mm lens by Kristin Dokoza
Canon 135mm L - ISO - f/2.8 - 1/500

You may only notice a slight difference between the 135L and the 100L.

The foreground now is creating depth by being slightly oof and giving the image some pretty foreground bokeh. The focal plane, and where my subjects are placed are now in the middle of sparkly bokeh from the grass, and bokeh from the lines of the large oak tree in the background.

The details from the tall grass that are on the same focal plane are seen and give a little bit of texture to the image. The line of trees in the far background have been eliminated, and you can just barely recognize the fence line. The large oak in the background now spans across the entire frame adding an interesting element. It is still giving a sense of distance, but not as recognizable as in the 35L or 50mm.

What you may notice right away is how creamy and dreamy the bokeh and the surroundings have become. This is a common and noticeable look for the 135L.

So, which one is your favorite? What elements within the composition make the image your favorite?

The atmosphere, surroundings, the light and change of perspective and depth should all be considered. Selecting which lens to use has become a part of my style and vision. I’ll be impartial and not say which image immediately speaks to me. But I was surprised at how much I loved one of the images from a lens that I hardly ever shoot with anymore!

Giveaway update! (this giveaway is now closed)

Congratulations to the following 10 commenters for winning a lens case form Adorama! I’ll email you on how to obtain your prize.

  1. Linda who said, “My very favorite lens is my Nikon 50mm f/1.4! Perfect for low-light conditions.”
  2. Jennifer Carr who said, “Wow, what an amazing giveaway! My go-to lens is the Nikkor 24-70.”
  3. Shawna who said, “Only have one lens so far… I’m a newbie. It’s the nifty fifty.”
  4. Erin Peters who said, “I just have my kit lens & a 50mm. I’m thankful for both and the great pics I can capture. The 50 is my favorite, as I love the light it brings into a frame.”
  5. Lisa who said, “My go to is my 50 1.4…so lightweight and just an all around great lens!”
  6. Terri who said, “Thanks for the comparison Kristin! I think my favorite from the examples above is the 100. It creates a nice sense of intimacy but still includes enough detail in the surroundings to tell more of the story. Unfortunately I don’t own a 100 😉 so my go to lens right now is my 85mm 1.8.”
  7. Melissa Ives who said, “I love my 85 mm right now!”
  8. Becky who said, “My go to is my 50 1.4 but I am saving up for the 135L! <3”
  9. Maja who said, “I switch between 35 and 85mm on a crop sensor. Once I save up for a FF camera, I’m also getting the 135mm.”
  10. Yuneisy who said, “My go to lens would be my 50mm 1.2L ! ♥”


About the Author
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Kristin Dokoza

Kristin is a child and family photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area, known for her unique abilities in capturing light and mood. She believes in the wonder of connection, laughter and love in everyone.

See more from Kristin at

134 thoughts on “How to decide which lens to use”

  1. I loved the 135mm which I don’t have! 🙂 Thanks for the comparison. My favorite to use is the 50mm too.

  2. I am torn between the 35 and 135. Thank you for the comparison. What lens to use is a struggle that I have often!

  3. Well since I only have a nikon 50 1.8, I would say that is my go to lens. I would love to get the Sigma 35mm though 🙂

  4. This is a great comparison. My favorite lens is the 135L hands down….but the 35 is fun in a whole different way

  5. In your images, I love the 100mm and the 35mm is a close second.
    For my lenses…I have deeply bonded with my (still new!) 35mm, very surprising to me for indoor photography, but the wide angle has allowed me to really back up.
    Thank you for this article!

  6. I just recently bought my first real lens: a 50 mm 1.8, and am loving the difference it makes. I really like the 35 mm picture above.

  7. Right now my go-to is my 35mm but this post is making me kick myself for never using my 100mm as a portrait lens!

  8. Thanks for the comparison Kristin! I think my favorite from the examples above is the 100. It creates a nice sense of intimacy but still includes enough detail in the surroundings to tell more of the story. Unfortunately I don’t own a 100 😉 so my go to lens right now is my 85mm 1.8.

  9. My Go to lens is my 50 mm .. I just love it but I just bought a 85 so I might change my mind :).. The 135 mm is my next choice 🙂

    1. Brandy, I have been eyeing the lens you mentioned for a while. I have small kiddos and want something that will allow me to catch more lifestyle photography shots of them. Do you mind my asking what camera body you use? I have a Nikon, but there’s no way I can afford the Nikon equivalent.

  10. Great comparison. My favorite is the 135L because I love the compression. My go to is the 85 1.4, but this has me thinking I should get out of my comfort zone and shoot a little longer.

  11. Sarah Harrigan

    Go to lens is the Sigma 35 1.4. But for outdoors, my 135 is my fave. Hard to choose between the two! (And I’ll bet your 50 shot is the one you surprisingly liked! haha. Of course, that’s only because my 50 has not seen the light of day since I got my 35.)

  12. Genevieve Guerin

    Im falling in love with my 50 now that Im on a Full frame. I also want to had the sigma 35 1.4 to my bag soon!

  13. My go-to lens is currently my Nikon 35 1.8, but I’m wanting something that will help me get better shots of my ever active toddler.

  14. My go to lens is my 50 mm 1.4! And I’m dying to know which lens it is that Kristin hardly ever shoots with anymore. 😉

  15. I have borrowed my friends 100 mm L and really like it. I will probably purchase that next. I really do like the 135 mm above though.

  16. My go-to lens is currently my 85mm, but that’s also my longest lens. I have a feeling I’d put on that 135 and never let go, if I owned it! 😀 Thank you Adorama!

  17. Tracey D'Arcy-Wright

    My go-to lens is my 50mm 1.8 but only because it’s the only lens I have that fits on my full-frame camera. But I am also in love with my 60mm macro. It is beautiful for portraits!

  18. Thanks for the great comparison! I’m wondering how the images would compare if the photographer moved to keep the field of view approximately the same between the lenses. Obviously indoors we are much more limited in using the photographer to “zoom”, but in a setting such as this it seems that you could move in with the 35mm or 50mm and get a similar look to the longer lenses.

  19. I switch between 35 and 85mm on a crop sensor. Once I save up for a FF camera, I’m also getting the 135mm.

  20. My go to is my 50 mm, but I just got the 35mm and am trying to spend some time with it to get to know it better.

  21. So tough! I love the 35 and the 100 on there. My go to lens has been the 50mm f/1.4 for the past two years but the auto focus seems to have bit the dust. So I’m trying to love my 24-105 these days.

  22. I love the look of the 135 here but right now my go to lens is my Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8. I have two young boys and zooming with my feet is too slow!!

  23. Holy Moly, Kristin! Great examples here! Thanks so much for this. Someone (or TEN!) is going to be a super lucky winner, too! How awesome! 🙂

  24. My go to lens is the 50mm. However, after reading the comparison and further research, I would love to have the 135mm.

  25. Anna VanDemark

    Great comparison, Kristin! Although I love my 100mm for macro work, if I ended up on a deserted island, I’d want to have my 50 mm 1.4 along with me 🙂 Thanks Adorama for the give away chance!

  26. I currently have an 18-105, 70-300, 50 1.8, and 55mm. Of the four, my 50mm is my go-to lens for most everyday shots as well as professional portraits; for fun shots, action shots, and outings, I switch between the 18-105 and 70-300.

  27. I love my 35L, its on my camera almost all of the time. Since getting this lens the 50mm doesn’t really come out of the bag. I just ordered the 135L. It arrives tomorrow and I am super excited to add it to the lineup!

  28. Kendra Swalls

    I love my Sigma 30mm 1.4 It lives on my camera. I can’t decide if my next lens should be an 85mm or 100mm. This post kind of makes me think I would like the 100mm

  29. I LOVE my nifty 50! It’s only a 1.8, but it is definitely my go-to right now. I had thought my next lens would be an 85, but I’m drooling over the 100 now!

  30. I love my Nikkor 85 1.8. It stays on my camera for my outside sessions, but I have to say that I am thinking about the 100mm now!:)

  31. My go to is my 50mm 1.4 or my iPhone 😉 Thanks for sharing this great article, Kristin Dokoza!!

  32. Nicole Sawyer

    My 50mm lives on my main camera, I keep it handy at all times to catch the fleeting moments with my four boys. Love the article, I am looking to get the 35mm but now maybe a 100mm!

  33. I just have my kit lens & a 50mm. I’m thankful for both and the great pics I can capture. The 50 is my favorite, as I love the light it brings into a frame.

  34. My favorite lens right now is my 50mm 1.8. But my wish list includes the 100mm and the 10-22mm. :). Love this article on lens comparisons.

  35. After almost selling my Nikon 85 1.8, I gave it one last whirl. Although my 50 1.4 is my default when traveling light and waist up portraits (on my crop) the 85 gives me more of the 70-200 feel on my crop and is SOOO much lighter. It’s my outdoor lens and I love it… someday I’ll upgrade to the 1.4 and FF but for now the best camera is the one you have with you!!!

  36. Go to was the 50mm 1.4, until it forgot how to focus. Now, it’s the 70-200mm f/4. I’m a music photographer, so I’m hoping that if my lens eats enough Wheaties, he’ll turn into a big and strong 2.8 IS!! haha

  37. I love my 85, super dreamy and the bokeh is lovely! I think I could love a 35 or 135 just as much though if I had them 😉

  38. I love my 50mm. But, I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of my 85mm for my Mother’s Day gift!!!

  39. My go to has been my 24mm. I love getting all the storytelling details in the shot and being able to shoot in my cramped living room without limb chopping.

  40. Fave is my Canon 135mm because it’s like no other for sure & it gives really cool, dreamy effects. I love it for portraits.

  41. So far i only have a 50mm 1.8 out of all these and i love it, cant wait to expand my lenses more hopefully soon!!

  42. I just have a Nikkor 35ml 1.8 and a kit lens but I love the pictures I get from my 35. Next, I was thinking an 85.

  43. My go-to lens is my 50mm, mostly because it’s the smallest and makes it easier to throw my camera in the baby bag!

  44. Esther Chanie Dushinsky

    My go to lens is the 100mm canon Macro lens. I love it for outdoors (nom nom bokeh) and for indoor newborn shots whenever I can use it.

  45. My go to lens is my 50mm….also because it is my only lens. Hopefully that will change soon (though I suspect I will always hold the nifty fifty near and dear to my heart aka camera body).

  46. Just bought the 50mm and I’m loving it. Small enough to carry around and great shots. Don’t know why I didn’t bought it earlier!

  47. Rachel Thornley

    I have 50mm and two lensbabies, and while the focusing is a bit hard for me with the Edge 80, I have to say I prefer the images of this lens over the others, which surprises me bc I always thought I would prefer a wide angle lens!

  48. Oh my, hard to say, but I have my 100mm 2.8L on my camera much more often than my others. I do have a new Sigma 35mm that is competing with it now though…

  49. I love the 35 as well as the 135 for different reasons! I love the framing you get with the 35 and the closeup detail from the 135

  50. My sigma 35mm 1.4 never leaves my camera right now. But, I have a canon 100mm 2.8 coming soon so we’ll see 😉

  51. Cassie Barreda

    I am absolutely at awe for how fun and well-written this article is. I know most people do not realize the importance of picking out the correct lens to taking good photographs or even yawns every time hearing the importance of lenses but this article will definitely make the topic more readable and not “too” technical. Plus, what I like most about this article is that it gives a detail description of what is the perfect lens to use on a specific setting but does not bore the reader or confuse them. This is a perfect article for those who’s still starting to love photography or even aspiring photographers. I definitely commend your writing style and your ability to take a complicated topic and making it into a fun and concise article.Good Job!

  52. I love my nikkor 55mm 1.2 ( not the nocturnal). It is not a great lens, it has spherical aberration and lack of sharpness at the corners and no one really values it, but I love the bokeh and the nostalgic quality it lends to images. It is AI’d and I can only use it as a manual lens, but I love to sit on the side of a stage and shoot without using a flash. I also love my slightly old 28-70 silent wave motor. Again, it is not the 24-70, so I got it used at a more affordable price. It can do anything. I also use my tokina 15-35 all the time for real estate and some landscape. I have an old 70-200 manual nikon that is sharp and smooth. It takes me more time to shoot, but I have used it for video and it looks good. I don’t have a long telephoto I like. I keep looking for a fast tele that doesn’t cost more than my car. I’m looking for really long lenses for wildlife and sports.

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